The Articles

What is Asset Management?

What is Asset Management?

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Asset managers are an interesting profession to learn about in finance, and particularly in investment banking. What is their role?
What is an LBO investment?

  Auriane Ducherpozat

What is an LBO investment?

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An LBO (Leveraged Buy Out) involves acquiring a company using a significant amount of debt to finance the acquisition cost.
Why work in Private Equity at Bpifrance?

Why work in Private Equity at Bpifrance?

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Bpifrance has injected 67 billion euros into companies over the year 2022 and has become a major player in the financing of industry. Take a look back at Bpifrance's history and private equity activities!
Euronext, the primary stock exchange of the Eurozone

  Auriane Ducherpozat

Euronext, the primary stock exchange of the Eurozone

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Euronext, a pan-European stock exchange created in 2000, is the main stock market of the Eurozone. Read this article to learn more about it !
A closer look at the locked-box, the new M&A trend

  Elise Casado

A closer look at the locked-box, the new M&A trend

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The "locked-box" is a tool that enables the amount of the transaction to be fixed upstream, rather than at the time of closing. In this article, we explain in detail how the "locked box" works!
FAANG stocks: the 5 Big Tech Stocks

FAANG stocks: the 5 Big Tech Stocks

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Over the past ten years, the FAANGs (Facebook, Amazon, Apple, Netflix and Google) have far outperformed the S&P 500 in terms of returns.
Warrant: definition, functioning and how to invest

Warrant: definition, functioning and how to invest

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Introduced in the 1980s, warrants are leveraged stock market products that can be used to boost a portfolio. Let's take a look at this financial product like no other!
Bull market vs. Bear Market : what differences ?

Bull market vs. Bear Market : what differences ?

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Less than two years after the euphoria, some markets are during a bear market. But why do we call it a bull market or a bear market ?
HSBC: history, recruitment process and salaries

HSBC: history, recruitment process and salaries

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HSBC, one of the world's largest banking and financial institutions, serves millions of customers through its three global businesses.
Showing 18 to 27 of 75 (3 Pages)