How to maximize your chances of getting an M&A internship ?
M&A (Merger and Acquisition) is a field that is highly prized by students wishing to pursue a career in corporate finance: prestige, attractive remuneration, excellent springboard ... many find it to be a good fit. However, many students lack the information they need to enter this sector of finance, which is synonymous with excellence and increased selectivity. The question is: how can one stand out from the crowd to get an internship in M&A ?
M&A, a sector that remains accessible to all ?
First of all, it is important to note that it is possible to do an internship in M&A regardless of the school you come from, but not just anywhere ! If the big investment banks (Bulge Bracket Investment banks) and investment banks (JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, Lazard, Rothschild & Co, BNP, Société Générale, ...), the big boutiques (KPMG, Natixis Partners, Lion Tree Advisors, Perella Weinberg Partners, EY,... ) and large companies (EDF, Orange, CANAL+,...) mainly recruit interns from the best business and engineering schools, it is still possible to do an internship in M&A in smaller structures. Indeed, if the opportunities for M&A internships are numerous, some reflexes are good to take in order to optimize your chances.
Getting an M&A internship : unstoppable tips
On the one hand, each student is able to maximize his or her chances of obtaining an M&A internship by following several theoretical guidelines.
First, the training must correspond to the desired internship. Indeed, a student who has selected corporate finance electives will logically have a better chance of getting an M&A internship.
Secondly, networking through your school's alumni circle, Linkedin, trade shows and conferences is an excellent way to learn about the profession and to talk to M&A analysts. It's really by learning about the industry and getting involved that you can make the most of it.
Thirdly, students who are not part of the top 5 business schools and top 10 engineering schools can and should always try their luck in smaller firms and/or banks. It should not be forgotten that there is a very large panel of companies offering M&A services and that every student wishing to gain experience in M&A can find a place there.
Read more : Focus on an interview must: the M&A sell-side process
How to optimize your chances to get an M&A internship?
On the other hand, there are ways to optimize your chances of getting an M&A internship by following several practical guidelines. For example, getting an M&A internship will be easier when the student has already been involved in corporate finance through an internship : auditing, M&A in start-ups or small boutiques, management control or financial analysis. In addition, the acceptance rate for interviews is very low, which is why you should not hesitate to apply as much as possible with CVs and cover letters polished in English.
Expanding the field of possibilities to land an M&A internship
There are several options available to the student, including LinkedIn, Jobteaser, Welcome to the Jungle, Indeed, company websites, unsolicited applications and trade shows. Restricting your search to the most difficult institutions to access does not seem to be a good strategy: you must broaden the field of possibilities and apply to all types of institutions that offer M&A services. Moreover, if the student manages to get an interview, mastering the technical part of M&A (financial statements, situation, financial valuation methods, financial models) is absolutely essential when preparing for interviews, as is the "fit" part, which requires a good knowledge of the M&A environment: recent deals, the pace and the atmosphere.
See more :Focus on M&A operations
Staying motivated and working : the key to success in finding an M&A internship
Finally, landing an M&A internship is a journey full of pitfalls : it is important not to get discouraged. Why ? It is true that an M&A internship requires a lot of hard work, but it is a challenge to take. This experience requires a real work ethic that will serve the student throughout his professional life in terms of methodology and work force. Thus, working on a wide range of topics in M&A allows students to develop a real general business culture. Moreover, the opportunities after an M&A internship are optimized because this experience is highly appreciated by company managers.
In short, an internship in M&A is a real experience of excellence, a "boost" that opens many doors, whether in corporate finance (Private Equity, Venture Capital, ECM, DCM, Transaction Services, etc.) or in marketing or entrepreneurship.
How to increase our chances of landing an M&A internship ?
Getting an internship in M&A will be easier if you have already done an internship in corporate finance: auditing, M&A in start-ups or small boutiques, management control or financial analysis. Writing your CV in English can also help.
Is it possible to do M&A even if we come from a small school ?
You can do an M&A internship no matter what school you come from, but not just anywhere! If you come from a smaller or lower ranked school, it is still possible to do an M&A internship in smaller structures or companies.