Ranking 2022 of French investment banks

Ranking 2022 of French investment banks

For the year 2023, we decided to rank the top 10 French investment banks. The competition is very tight and shows a significant slowdown this year. The amount of transactions decreased by 48% in 2022, the lowest since 2013. Find out the 2023 ranking of French investment banks in terms of the amount of transactions carried out over the year 2022.



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Top 10 investment banks in France

The 2023 ranking of investment banks has been completely overhauled this year. Goldman Sachs takes first place, ahead of BNP Paribas (-1), Lazard (-1) and Rothschild (-1). We can note the remarkable breakthrough of Citi, which gains 12 places and is now at the 9th place. In the upcoming in the ranking, we can also see BofA Securities (+4) which arrives directly at the 8th place. 



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What is the state of the M&A market in 2023?

It is clear that the M&A market will not grow as much in 2022. After a year 2021, which was the year of all records for the industry, the year 2022 suffered from the global economic and geopolitical context. Between the record inflation we are experiencing, the historic rise in policy interest rates, the explosion of the energy prices and the Ukranian war, the market was not about external growth but about limiting the consequences. Indeed, the tightening of bank borrowing conditions made it difficult to buy companies as part of an external growth strategy. 

However, private equity has benefited from the downturn in M&A, with the number of private equity transactions increasing by 25% in 2022. Funds are currently looking for resilience to absorb crises. Where tech companies had carried the field until now, the field is in decline and does not expect a recovery during the year. Add to this the contraction of the energy market, and the M&A market is expected to be less dynamic and focus on small and mid-cap deals. 



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