Transaction Services Training

Industry & Process

2 videos
Available for free to our members
About the training

In this introductory section, we will begin by a short presentation of the financial advisory industry. 

As we are aware that you probably already have a few target companies in mind that you know by heart, we will not go through an extensive review of the main actors of the industry. Instead, we will focus on the main types of missions that you are likely to encounter, notably encompassing restructuring, valuation and due-diligence processes. The purpose of this chapter is for you to (i) know what these missions are in reality and (ii) understand their specific stakes from a financial, strategic and/or legal viewpoint.

In a second chapter, we will extensively study the different aspects of both the fit and the technical interview processes. 

The purpose of this chapter is for you to understand:

  • the selection criteria on which you are being assessed
  • the ways to prepare for such interviews
  • the tips and tricks to keep in mind in order to differentiate yourself from other candidates
Questions you will be able to answer
  • Why considering this specific consulting firm?
  • What is the type of missions you are interested in?  
  • What is a due-diligence?
  • What are the main actors of the sector?
  • Why choosing you over someone else?
  • Why are you interested in accounting and financial advisory?
  • What are the main competitors of “our” firm?
  • What is “our” business model?
The keywords of the training
The videos of the training
  • Course 1
    Transaction Services Training
    The Industry & the main types of missions

    We will introduce the main types of missions occurring in the industry. This approach will help you understand the context/environment of each type of mission as well as their specific stakes (financial, strategic, and/or legal).

    17 min
  • Course 2
    Transaction Services Training
    Recruitment processes

    In this chapter, we will go through what you need to know to ace your technical and fit interviews by understanding the selection criteria and knowing how to be prepared in order to maximise your chances of success.

    29 min